Service Weaver

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Service Weaver

A Service Weaver application is composed of a number components. A component is represented as a regular Go interface, and components interact with each other by calling the methods defined by these interfaces. This makes writing Service Weaver applications easy. You don't have to write any networking or serialization code; you just write Go. Service Weaver also provides libraries for logging, metrics, tracing, routing, testing, and more.
You can deploy a Service Weaver application as easily as running a single command. Under the covers, Service Weaver will dissect your binary along component boundaries, allowing different components to run on different machines. Service Weaver will replicate, autoscale, and co-locate these distributed components for you. It will also manage all the networking details on your behalf, ensuring that different components can communicate with each other and that clients can communicate with your application.

Sounds promising... something new to check out.