Pirate Engineering

If you're a pirate don't fight like you are in the navy.

Pirate Engineering
Photo by Elena Theodoridou / Unsplash

As platforms become more complicated sophisticated getting relatively simple things done can become more and more involved.

Choosing the correct way theoretically buys you into a host of benefits the wider platform can bring - such as broad interoperation with other apps in the platform ecosystem.

But that might involve writing more code, doing more configuration and relying on the platform to work as expected or as documented (assuming the platform is sufficiently well documented in the first place).

Instead you might just be better off doing something simple and more limited.

As always everything is a trade-off, and you are just going to have to THINK! about what the right decision is to make.

For example...

Sure, using Core Transferable to make some data shareable might allow your app to interoperate nicely with the iOS sharesheet, SwiftUI's ShareLink and the larger iOS ecosystem... but manually generating some CSV data and then just exporting that as text might be quicker and get you where you need to be.

So remember: If you aren't in the navy, fight like a pirate.

A man holding the Steve Jobs biography
Photo by Md Mahdi / Unsplash