Indie Spotlight: Good Enough

Links to the Good Enough LLC.

As spotted on Hacker News:

Show HN: Pika – Simple blogging software | Hacker News

Their blog..

The Blog — Good Enough
Sometimes we write stuff. Read it here.

Specific blog posts to read:

Good Enough Marketing: The Preparation — Good Enough
We have a couple of exciting projects—Guestbook! Yay.Boo!—that we want to share with the world. But that’s a difficult task for us because, honestly, we’re terrible not good at self-promotion. We’d rather spend time making things than talking about the things we’ve made. We’d love it if, whenever we make something good, we could just “drop” it and millions of people will instantly show up and fall in love with it. But we’re not Beyoncé. The harsh reality is that most people have never heard of us at Good Enough, and we have to work on the marketing for people to know about our work. So, how do we tell the world about our wondrous inventions? Disclaimer: This is not a marketing tutorial. We’re not good at this stuff! But we’re going to learn, and we’re going to try a bunch of things. I thought it would be interesting to share our process and progress. At the very least, we’ll make some hilarious blunders along the way and this should be entertaining. 😅
Strong Prototypes, Weakly Held — Good Enough
Excuse any obtuse thoughts that make their way into this writing. I sat down to type with My Life in the Bush of Ghosts by Brian Eno and David Byrne as my soundtrack. This is an album I’ve never listened to before, and apparently I’m supposed to love it or hate it. Mostly the Internet told me this could be a decent album to work to, so let’s find out. (I’m not going to look, but I’m pretty sure Strunk & White would tell me not to capitalize that "in" in the album title. Yet when I look at Apple Music the title has an "In." Spotify has an "In" and a "The" and an "Of." And people give Wikipedia a hard time?) So about that title. We here at Good Enough have decided to enter a season of prototyping. Our company has a goal to reach sustainability within five years. As with all time, the end of 2027 will likely come sooner than we think. Yet we are planning to spend all of this first year as a full team on things that are not clearly going to pave the road to profitability. Goodness, why?