Build & SHOW Your Weird Idea

Not sharing the weird thing might be a real act of selfishness.

Build & SHOW Your Weird Idea
Photo by Dan Parlante / Unsplash

I build a lot of apps and tools, mostly for myself, to help me achieve whatever goals I might have.

Showing and talking about those things is something I have not been great at.

Whilst I value the things I have built - I did after all pour in the effort and work to complete all these things - I often hesitate to share (promote) those things.

I think maybe those (valuable to me) tools are weird, and so I feel almost embarrassed to share what I have built.

Increasingly I remind myself that all the things that are considered normal and mainstream now (social media, video games, reading comics, technology, meditation, self-care etc) were once the weird and niche things.

Everything that is considered normal was once weird.

Not sharing the weird thing might be a real act of selfishness.

Something I have built might help someone else, just as much as it has helped me.

If people find the thing I am sharing with them weird or useless, that is more than fine.

I remember when people would ask of social media: "What is the point of that?".